How to Stay Motivated in the Gym: Compounding Wins

How to Stay Motivated in the Gym: Compounding Wins

One of the worst feelings in the world is helplessness. Especially when it comes after a moment in life in which you were highly motivated and enthused to do something; a goal or adventure you have never done before, and were defeated by it. My inspiration for today’s blog comes from “doom scrolling” our business page and seeing all the clients we have helped accomplish things they originally thought impossible. Whether it was weight loss, living a pain free life (or at least knowing how to manage pains when they appear), or getting the strength and physique “gains” they were looking for. They all had something in common that we had to tackle first; the feelings of defeat and helplessness.

Recovery Reimagined - Part 1

Recovery Reimagined - Part 1

What is Recovery?

I have spent a lot of time thinking on how to explain Recovery to people. I have thought about leading in with myth-busting on protein, joining the “more sleep” brigade, and even thought about going to war with the anti-CWI (cold water immersion) populus. But, none of those sat right with me. I don’t want to make this a “side taking” piece. I want this to change your perspective on not only how you understand recovery, but also how you understand life. What I want most is for you, after reading this, to reflect on your life and immediately know how to change food, routines, intensities, etc. in a way that optimizes your living experience and increases your capacity to truly live a full and healthy life. For us to grasp this concept of recovery, we must first understand what life is. 

According to 60 Minutes, Obesity Can't Be Controlled With Diet and Exercise

According to 60 Minutes, Obesity Can't Be Controlled With Diet and Exercise

In a recent “60 Minutes” episode on CBS News, a meager 13 minutes was dedicated to the topic of obesity in the US. Host Lesley Stahl interviews two doctors and two guests who struggle with their weight. Since it aired, social media and online news outlets have posted dramatic headlines to draw attention to some of the over-simplified statements made within the segment. Let’s dive into the tragedy that is this “news” segment. To summarize: