Strength or Power? What's the Difference & What Do You Need?

Is being slow keeping you from a weight room PR? Or are you always moving fast until you hit that big weight and you get pinned? It’s time to talk about how to get out of these plateaus and get back to the results you have been chasing. Today's goal is to help you assess your current strength and power levels and decide which should be your next training focus to continue pushing your ceiling. So, let's get down to basics…

How to Find a Personal Trainer

How to Find a Personal Trainer

It’s January 2024. This month, millions of people will Google something to do with “gym,” “personal trainer,” “fitness,” “weight loss,” and others. 

Because there is no national licensure or single professional standard for fitness coaches and Personal Trainers out there, let’s dig into how to find a reputable Personal Trainer to fit your needs. This blog aims to make the process simple as well as give you things to ask for, be aware of, and to avoid. In future blogs, we’ll aim to discuss what to expect when you start training, and dive into the different training credentials coaches can have. Click to learn more…

How to Compete in Your First Weightlifting Meet

How to Compete in Your First Weightlifting Meet

Your first Olympic weightlifting meet can be intimidating, but with a good coach OR some research on your own, you can prepare yourself to have a great experience with a good performance! I wrote this blog as a reference for our current and future meet participants as well as any lifter or coach out there who is new to weightlifting meets. After reading this blog you should be able to “go with the flow” and have a great time at your next meet! I have linked other resources throughout to get even more thorough information.